Program: Topics in Category Theory


Date & time: Tuesday 14-16

First session: April 4, 2023

Place: WSC-S-U-3.02


Language: English


Moodle: There is an electronic classroom for the seminar on the moodle platform. Read backward, the enrolment key needed to subscribe is



Credits: 9 ECTS for two talks or 6 ECTS for one talk


Content: Categorical constructions and arguments can be found everywhere in algebra, geometry and topology. The seminar will provide an introduction to a few particularly useful concepts. Among other things this concerns abelian categories, embedding theorems, Morita theory, localizations, categories of complexes, homotopy categories, triangulated categories, t-structures, derived categories, derived functors, adjoint functor theorems and model categories.


Registration: If you wish to give a talk please send an email to and enrol in the electronic classroom. Please indicate possible preferences concerning the talks. Note that certain talks need to be given in pairs whereas others are more selfcontained (see moodle). The final schedule will be published on moodle.