GRK2553 - Veranstaltungen
Weekly events
During the term, we conduct a number of weekly events, see current events and archive for examples. The core weekly events of the Research Training Group will be our
- RTG seminar where members of the RTG present their work (Thursday morning, 8-10 times per term)
- Research seminar where we learn about a current research topic (the topic is decided by vote in the preceding semester)
- Oberseminar, our weekly colloquium, where an outside speaker reports on her or his results
- PhD student seminar, a seminar conducted by the PhD students, without any professors being involved or present at the seminar
In addition, depending on how the topics fit with their thesis, students can attend other research seminars and/or specialized lecture courses.
Mercator Fellows
As one component of the RTG, the German Research Foundation provides funding for awarding a “Mercator Fellowship” to two distinguished mathematicians. We are very glad that Prof. Jarod Alper (University of Washington) and Prof. Vasudevan Srinivas (Tata Institute) have accepted to contribute to our Research Training Group by several extended visits. While the pandemic made such visits impossible during the first years of the funding period, we are happy that in 2022 this seems to improve, with Prof. Srinivas visiting in January 2022, and further visits of the Mercator Fellows being planned.
- Lecture course: On Cohomological Finite Generation, June 2024 (Prof. V. Srinivas)
- Lecture course: Grothendieck-Lefschetz and Noether-Lefschetz for the divisor class group, November 2022 (Prof. V. Srinivas)
- Lecture course: Algebraic stacks and moduli spaces, summer term 2022 (Prof. J. Alper)
- Lecture course: Applications of algebraic cycles to affine algebraic geometry, January 2022 (Prof. V. Srinivas)
Summer schools
We will have a summer school each year, and in some years maybe a smaller workshop in addition. Some of the schools and workshops we had in the last few years:
- Hodge Theory and Shimura Varieties (September 2024)
- Vector bundles on algebraic curves (September 2023)
- Summer school on arithmetic geometry (September 2022)
- Spring School towards a mod $p$ Langlands correspondence (April 2021)
- The School on Hodge theory and Shimura varieties which we planned to hold in August 2020 unfortunately had to be cancelled
- School on motives and stacks (Sept. 2019)
- Workshop on Prismatic Cohomology (Organizers: E. Lau (Bielefeld), E. Viehmann (TU München), T. Wedhorn (Darmstadt)) — (March 2019)
- School in Arithmetic Geometry (Sept. 2018)
Events co-organized/sponsored by the RTG
- ENTR 2024 workshop, Essen, September 2024
- Analytic torsion and interactions, Münster, September 2024
- Elliptic curves and modular forms in arithmetic geometry (celebrating Massimo Bertolini’s 60th birthday), Milano, September 2022
Other events
Welcome weekend. In October each year, the PhD students of the RTG will meet for one weekend somewhere near Essen to ease the integration of the new members. (Due to the corona restrictions, this will not take place in October 2020 in the form we hab usually envisioned, but we will have an opening event on-site for the members of the research training group, at least.)
Development of further skills. The University of Duisburg-Essen has a variety of seminars and courses on offer regarding the development of “soft skills” and the career advancement of young researchers. Within the Research Training Group we will hold a workshop on Good Scientific Practice tailored to mathematics once a year.
Good scientific practice, March 2022 (First part (general) by V. Vasilov, Science Support Centre of the University of Duisburg-Essen; second part (math specific) by U. Görtz, slides (handout version; email me if you are interested in the presentation version))
Mathematical Writing, May 2023, slides
Good scientific practice, April 2023, by J. Sprang
Good scientific practice, March 2025, by U. Görtz, slides (first part based on the presentation of V. Vasilov (Science Support Center) in March 2022)