The Thursday morning seminar will be the “Research Training Group Seminar” where members of the RTG (PhD students, post-docs,…) present their results. Sometimes, we also have speakers from other places. Depending on the number of speakers and on the proposed topic, a speaker could use one or two sessions.

Date Speaker Title
4.11.2021 Lukas Pottmeyer Iteration of Mahler’s measure
11.11.2021 Lennart Gehrmann Rigid meromorphic cocycles for orthogonal groups
18.11.2021 Vytautas Paskunas On local Galois deformation rings
25.11.2021 Antonio Mejías Gil A Main Conjecture in non-commutative Iwasawa theory
2.12.2021 reserved
9.12.2021 Manuel Hoff A stratification of the moduli space of principally polarized abelian varieties in positive characteristic
16.12.2021 Marc Kohlhaw The derived category of the Fargues-Fontaine curve
13.01.2022 Aryaman Patel Uniformization of complex projective klt varieties by a polydisc
27.01.2022 Daniel Greb Invariant rings of reductive representations have klt singularities
3.02.2022 Program discussion for the research seminar in the summer term